The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Provides the PROTECT Information for the supplied Agency Case Number (provided within an electronic referral)of a submitted Referral. If no case information is available, the status of the elecronically filed referral or an error message is returned.
ORI (required) - Registration Number for Agency with rights to utilize these services.
County (required) - target county for which information is being requested.
AgencyCaseNbr (required) - the Agency Case Number (as provided in submitted referral)
Provides the PROTECT Information for the supplied DA Case Number (provided within a previous responseby Agency Case Number). If no case information is available, a simple message indicating such (or an error message) is returned.
ORI (required) - Registration Number for Agency with rights to utilize these services.
County (required) - target county for which information is being requested.
DACaseNbr (required) - the DA Case Number (as provided in a previously requested response document)
Provides interface for receipt of electronic citation information from the ESB. -
Provides a Method for submitting an electronic Referral.
strReferral(required) is the complete XML document string for the Referral as per the schema.
Each submitted XML document string will be first validated against the schema for validity. Any validation errors
will be returned and the Submit will fail. Please refer to the technical documentation for the schema URL. -
Provides a Method for submitting binary data as an "attachment" to a previously electronically submitted referral.
strReferralAttachment(required) is the complete XML document string for the ReferralAttachment as per the schema.
Each submitted XML document string will be first validated against the schema for validity. Any validation errors
will be returned and the Submit will fail. Please refer to the technical documentation for the schema URL.